* * * * * F I L E / A R C H I V E U P D A T E * * * * * Version 2.0 Version 2 of File/Archive is primarily a technical upgrade of version 1, however, it also contains several moderate enhancements and error corrections. * The internal structure of the programs has been completely rebuilt and they have been renamed. The main or Master Menu program is now FAM.EXE and the standalone analysis program is now FA.EXE. Programs BRUN45.EXE, FA0.EXE, and FA30.EXE are no longer needed - their functions have been incorporated in these two new programs. Version 1 used a technique for transferring between programs which sometimes caused problems when run with older versions of DOS. (This was due to errors in DOS, not File/Archive, and they were corrected in DOS 3.0 and later versions.) Although the programs appear to be larger, they actuallly require less total memory. * As explained in the documentation, when File/Archive archives files, it records its activity in a temporary transaction file that is used to update the catalog when the archiving activity is completed. (It does this to minimize the time required for the archiving process itself.) Version 2 still operates this way, but, if the program is interrupted and the transaction file is not successfully processed, the next time the program is run, it will automatically detect the presence of this file and update the catalog. * When creating a catalog report in a file, you can now view the report on the screen from within File/Archive. The report which shows the catalog in sequence by archive disk now also includes the size of the files, so you have a better idea of how full the disks are. * When selecting color combinations, you can now include blinking foreground colors if you wish. You can also cycle backward as well as forward through the various colors. * Several messages have been added to clarify what the program is doing at various times. For example, as the catalog gets larger, there can be a noticeable delay when it is sorted - particularly on an older and slower computer. * The documentation in version 1 said that the use of an archive directory was optional. Unfortunately, if you chose to exercise this option and eliminate the archive directory, the program would fail. It now works properly. * * * * * 12/89 A new feature has been added to the Review/Add Entries Menu. It is called Select Directories and displays a graphic tree structure of all the directories on your disk. By merely pointing to a directory and pressing the Enter key, you are transferred directly to the Add Menu with the path field already filled in. It speeds up and simplifies the process of adding directory entries to the system. In the Configuration Menu, in redefining function keys, some earlier versions did not handle arrow keys and tabs correctly. This has been corrected. 10/89 Previous versions of program FA0.EXE contained an error when trying to delete an archived file from an archive disk and the archive catalog. If there were files flagged for recall, any files flagged for deletion would be deleted, but not the way the documentation reads. If there weren't any files selected for recall, then the program would not delete any files flagged for deletion. This has been corrected. 8/89 Anti-Virus Guard: This new feature has been added to detect the possible presence of a computer virus. It performs this check every time you start either of the programs provided you have started the program from the drive and directory where the program resides. If you start the program from a different directory, the check is not performed. If everything appears to be in order, a small checkmark is displayed in the lower left corner of the main menu. If something is wrong, a small "x" will flash at that location. Should this happen, you should compare the program size annd date/time stamps with the original program on the distribution disk. You should be able to correct the situation by replacing the suspect program with the original. * * * * *